For women
- Ante Natal care
- Ultrasound scans
- Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV
- Pregnancy Education and support
- Teenage Pregnancy support, counselling and groups
- Crisis pregnancy support and counselling
- Postnatal care
- Breastfeeding and feeding classes and education
- Pap Smears
- Cancer Screening
- Sexual Health Education
- Family Planning
For Children
- Growth monitoring
- Nutritional advice
- Immunizations
- Deworming
- Vitamin A supplementation
- Milk supply
- Treatment of illnesses according to IMCI (integrated management of childhood illnesses)
- Partnering with social services to follow up on vulnerable children
We offer pregnancy tests and counselling for women in crisis. HMBC has a team of dedicated and well-trained counsellors. The HMBC counsellors provide professional care with compassion. The counsellors give support for women facing unwanted pregnancies, abortions, miscarriage or stillbirth.
HMBC is affiliated with Africa Cares for Life:
Baby Safe
The HMBC baby safe is there to prevent babies from being abandoned, support mothers in crises and provide a safe “place” for unwanted babies. Although our baby safe has only been used once, we believe that the baby safe opens the door for many mothers in crisis to talk with us, get education and counselling and make informed positive decisions. Through compassion, care and counselling many babies lives have changed from unwanted to wanted.
HMBC partners with